Photo by www.borntolove.compinned prefold diaper
Thanks to Catherine for this Frugal Baby Tip!

Leah asked: What does it mean when you say pin "away from the baby" ?

Catherine answered: You push the pin into the diaper near baby's belly, and push the pin out of the diaper towards the hip.

Leah asked: Does the pin have to go through every single piece of fabric?

Catherine answered: No, you only need to go through the layers of the diaper that you brought around the waist from the back, and at least one layer of the bottom layer (or folded front waist) of the diaper.

Leah asked: Can babies pull at the heads to unlock them? Until what age is it safe to pin?

Catherine answered: I have pinned diapers right up to toilet training - in Josh's case that was 3.5 years old. The majority of children would not have the manual dexterity to open the safety lock pins. Although there might be the rare child. If that were to happen, I would simply stop using pins immediately.

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Photo byfrugal diaper change planetka
Thanks to Christina, Ginger & Jo for this Frugal Baby Tip!

Christina said: Anybody else just use water? I have a pile of her wipes in the bathroom. I need to pass the bathroom to get to her room, so I just run the tap -- not even warm!!! She doesn't seem to mind the coolish cloth, and her bum is pristine if I do say so myself!

Ginger said: We use plain water. Tried using tea tree oil, lavendar, baby soap, and olive oil, but it really made her bottom red. Same thing happens if they use commercial wipes on her at church.

Jo said: We just use water. Our changing station is on the bathroom counter, so it's convenient. Colin's only had one minor rash & 1 major which started over Christmas holiday while using Huggies wipes

Recent Keyword Searches: make your own baby wipes cleanser, frugal baby, maalox diaper rash, frugal washable baby wipes, frugal baby wipes,
Photo bybabys first diaper change Carin
Thanks to Shawnda for this Frugal Baby Tip!

I actually do a combo of these things. I have a Wipe Warmer and I keep a pre-mixed solution in it, but I keep a stack of wipes next to it, and submerge as needed. Tea tree oil and baby soap ought to do just dandy. I have learned to stay away from adding baby oil (the Johnson & Johnson mineral oil kind) even though it's called for in many recipes.

It floats around on top of the water in the washer when I wash them with the diapers, and redeposits itself on the diapers when the water drains out. Ick.

Apricot oil is nice as an additive, as is Aloe Vera gel or liquid, Lavender essential oil, or Chamomile oil. Just play around with your recipe until you find one you really like.

There are several to get ideas from at .

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