Miscellaneous_: Fels Naptha Laundry Soap

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 comments
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Photo by www.soapsgonebuy.com
Thanks to Debby & Amy for this Frugal Baby Tip!

Recipe By : Annette Bowser
Categories : Laundry Soap Recipes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/3 bar Fels Naptha soap -- grated
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax

Felz Naptha - Put in a pan with 3 pints of water, and heat until dissolved: 1/3 bar Fels Naptha Laundry Soap, grated, Stir in: 1/2 cup Washing soda, 1/2 cup Borax. Mix until it thickens like honey.

Remove from heat. In a two gallon bucket, put 1 quart of hot water, then add the soap.

Mix. Fill bucket with cold water. Mix until well blended. Set aside for 24 hours. It will gel up. Use 1/2 cup for each load

From Amy: One more thing: when I make laundry soap with this, I get roughly 36 loads out of one bar of soap. I pay $1 for Fels Naptha, and the A&H Washing Soda is $1.87/box (about 8 c. per box, or about 23 cents/cup).

So I spend about $1.23 for 36 loads of laundry, or about 3.4 cents/load. And it takes less time to mix up a batch of laundry soap than it does to jump in the car, run to the store, and buy it. And the Fels Naptha cleans better than anything I've tried, with no allergic reactions for my kids.

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About Catherine: I have been writing my Frugal Baby Tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three grown up sons, and a grandma - and happily married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and a rescue cat, Bella.

Taking care of baby and mom needs naturally, does not have to cost a whole lot of money! Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, sling and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, and more!

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