On the Go!_: Travelling with Cloth

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Wednesday, March 26, 2008 | 2 comments
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Photo by Pauke
washing diapers in a bucket while travellingThanks to Marie for this Frugal Baby Tip!

Well, we're back from our 12 day trek to Toronto and I just wanted to report our experience with cloth diapering on the trip. I decided at the last minute that I was going to use only cloth, and packed up all my prefolds and flats that I normally use. My normal routine at home actually has me only washing once a week because I have so many diapers that it just works out that way.

We took 2 days to drive there and 2 days to drive back, and I just kept the dirty diapers in a plastic bag during that time. We stayed in 3 different bed & breakfasts in Toronto (because we didn't make reservations ahead of time, we had trouble finding a place that had a room the whole time). All I did was rinse out all the wet/dirty diapers twice a day, morning and night and hang them up to dry in the bathroom or over hangers in the closet.

They were almost all dry by evening or the next morning, when I'd fold them up and put them in a plastic bag. This was a time that I was really glad that I use the cheapo prefolds (2x3x2) and flats for doublers, because they all dried in no time hanging over a shower bar.

We used JennyOh fleece & wool covers exclusively. I had 3 wool covers that I rotated at night. The 6 fleece ones I rotated as they got damp, and then washed the ones that got pooped on.

I took a dozen Tushies along just in case, but never used them.

Halfway through our stay there, we went to the neighborhood laundromat and washed them in a regular cycle. Since I'd already rinsed them, or scrubbed the poopy ones, I didn't feel the need to do more than a regular wash.

In hindsight, I probably could have packed fewer diapers and just washed them in the sink with soap. Since they dried so quickly, it wouldn't have been much more of a hassle to just wash them by hand. That way, I could probably have gotten by with a dozen diapers, instead of hauling my entire diaper stash with me.

Anyway, that was our experience and I'm really glad I did it. It really wasn't as big of a hassle as I expected and my husband even agreed. At one point during the trip, my daughter started giving us grief when we changed her diaper, and he said to her "If you don't cooperate, we're going to put a yucky disposable diaper on you!" It was pretty funny to hear him say it!

Recent Keyword Searches: baby tips, homemade baby toys, receipe for diaper wipes, diaper rash maalox, disinfecting diapers, frugal pregnant, reusable wipes



About Catherine: I have been writing my Frugal Baby Tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three grown up sons, and a grandma - and happily married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and a rescue cat, Bella.

Taking care of baby and mom needs naturally, does not have to cost a whole lot of money! Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, sling and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, and more!

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  1. CanCan says:

    This is my first visit to your site! It is right up my alley! I have been writing about cloth diapers and wipes this week too. I think I will link you if you don't mind.

  2. Cyndel says:

    I just finished a trip from East Tennessee to Oklahoma City and back with a preschooler and a 4 month old in cloth. It turned out great. If I had used cloth on the way there or back I would have had to wash diapers as soon as I arrived because I don't have a huge stash, so I used flip biodegradable disposable inserts with covers for the car trips and cloth while staying with my aunt for 9 days. Turned out great. It was just as easy as using cloth at home...easier even since I don't have a washer and dryer at home and have to use a laundry mat.
    I'm actually going to pick up flats tomorrow...I love them but I only have 3 at the moment!

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