Mom Clothing_: Cloth Pads

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Wednesday, May 23, 2007 | 2 comments
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Thanks to Michelle for this Frugal Baby Tip!

I've been using cloth pads for the last 4 months and it's been great! They are so comfortable. I have been meaning to make my own pads but I always forget so I end up using Keely's diaper liners *sheepish grin*. I just fold them to fit, they don't fall out, my underwear has always held them in place. I did buy a sea sponge last month but forgot to try it, I will definitely use it next month.



About Catherine: I have been writing my Frugal Baby Tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three grown up sons, and a grandma - and happily married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and a rescue cat, Bella.

Taking care of baby and mom needs naturally, does not have to cost a whole lot of money! Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, sling and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, and more!

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Skip the pads!! Use a DivaCup!! I LOVE mine. Even with a heavy flow, I only have to empty it two-three times a day and on lighter days, I empty it only once! It took some practice and I ended up cutting off the stem, but, it's washable, does not smell, comes in a carrying case and can last for years. Easily washed with hand soap. Great for hikers, women with long commutes and busy moms! If you don't like it, return it and get your money back. Approx. $30. Our local mom-run/natural parenting store sells less and less reusable pads and more Diva's!

  2. Thanks for the great suggestion. I always wanted to try the Keeper (the original dsign) but being latex-allergic, I couldn't.

    I was so pleased when they came out with the silicone Diva Cup!

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