Diapering_: Make-Your-Own Liners #2
Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Monday, November 20, 2006 |
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Thanks to Eva & Darla for these Frugal Baby Tips!
Eva said: I was making my own from terry towels (since my mother has lots of unused new terry towels I could use so that would cost me nothing). The problem is that since I do not use softener and do not have a dryer, the terry fabric gets really hard and stiff after being washed and I wondered what this stiff cloth would do to Lorenz' butt?
Darla said: A simple way to avoid scratchy terry is to put a layer of flannel on one side. It's not only softer but absorbs faster. Get diaper flannel as it outlasts any other flannel on the planet. It only comes in 27" width, that's how you know it's diaper flannel.
About Catherine: I have been writing my Frugal Baby Tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three grown up sons, and a grandma - and happily married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and a rescue cat, Bella.
Taking care of baby and mom needs naturally, does not have to cost a whole lot of money! Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, sling and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, and more!
If you have Frugal Baby Tips to share, we want to hear them! It might even get published!
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